With the number of moisturizers on the market today, there are no shortage of it in the next ten years. It is a moisturizer designed for specific skin types. But it is also ideal for using a natural home-made moisturizer time to time, in order to improve the smoothness of the skin to block the essential moisture and slows the progression of aging.
natural moisturizers are great because the vitamins and minerals directly from basic ingredients. You canAlchemy and choose their own ingredients, which are more beneficial to the skin. Here are some examples of homemade moisturizers:
Milk Powder
Milk Powder
Milk Powder
1. Yogurt and Strawberries
Yogurt works for different skin types. This medication is best when it comes to reducing the redness and irritation of those who have sensitive skin. He also worked in lock in moisture to maintain skin's natural sweetness. It also has components that tightens pores and removesImpurities trapped in the pores.
The strawberry is one of the best anti-aging ingredients. She not only soothing and anti-inflammatory, it also has the option, the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines to prevent. Mash two strawberries and add to your yogurt. Massage on skin. Let stand for about 10 minutes before washing with lukewarm water.
2. Honey and lemon juice
Honey is known for its moisturizing properties. It is a naturalWetting. This means that the components of honey can win and retain water. Therefore, considered the most effective moisturizing honey. Lemon juice, on the other side contains the properties of the skin tightening. It prevents the rapid appearance of wrinkles. It also works well in reducing age spots. applied Mix equal parts lemon juice and honey on the skin. Let stand for about an hour before washing with lukewarm water.
3. Almonds and powdered milk
Almond oilhas properties of natural detoxification. It can also help remove dead cells on the skin are smooth. Powdered milk, on the other side can help ensure that young people dermis functions.
Combine the natural moisturizing can buy a product on the market. Search for a product that contains CynergyTK Phytessence Wakame and completely slow down the aging process.
CynergyTK, with its natural function of keratin that may help to regenerate collagen and elastin.Phytessence wakame, attack on the other hand, eliminates harmful enzymes that hyaluronic acid. This acid is important for the lubrication of the protein collagen.
Make Your Own natural moisturizer - hydrating use, you should normally