Saturday, May 7, 2011

WHO declares a pandemic flu contagious

The World Health Organization (WH0), a phase 6 pandemic says the scope of H1N1 influenza virus contagious June 11, 2009, which they say can affect one third of the population in the first wave of infection. This means that the virus has continued to exist as a contagion from person to person. So far in the current situation, it expanded to 29 669 people (up to more than 4,000 in recent days) and has spread worldwide in 74 countries.

Children are particularlyRisk

Milk Powder

Milk Powder

Milk Powder

First, children are especially vulnerable to contagious all strains of influenza, because the young guys play and touching contaminated objects and then put his hand to the face or mouth tend showed that hand washing is a priority, and model to be the correct behavior. They do not understand that "coughs and sneezes spread of the disease," if the condition that they sneeze and cough like a paper towel and then a shot, a suitable container and a pedal bin. MakeThe interesting lesson, giving them the facts of a sneeze, that thousands of microscopic droplets when you sneeze more than 100 mph can travel a distance of up to 10 meters (33 feet)!

Experts have confirmed that the flu is more contagious than likely to spread to colder temperatures. The causes of dry and cold drops of moisture, which allows the influenza virus linger longer in the air. This confirms the fact that more people are suffering from contagious influenza during the winterduring summer months.

Pandemic Planning

In short, you should know the severity of a pandemic and how they affect you and your family. Undoubtedly it would be limited and basic services we take for granted are usually severely affected. Travel will be limited to basic needs can not be for a short period of time until the projects underway to combat the flu contagious.

A memory of three weeks of food and water is usually recommendedIf you drive does not connect to a business, or if supplies are stored. Here, have a short list of essential supplies on hand. critical elements that disappear quickly in what can be described as panic buying from the shelves. They can provide non-functional in case needed.

or bottled water.
or fruits and vegetables.
or fruit juices and vegetables.
O grains and nuts, especially rice.
or Ready to eat cannedMeat.
or milk powder.
granola bars or protein.
Crackers O.
or dry cereal.
or dried fruit, dates, figs, grapes, etc.
food or for pets.
or more transient.
or baby food.
No salt.
No opener. (Not all fields are-pull)

They need;

No batteries, portable radio with spare batteries. Portable TV. They make you feel safer if you follow the local and international events, as there may be some energyRestrictions.
Flashlights with batteries O.
N. camping stove with gas cylinder enough.
No Matches.

If you take medicine continuously in the light of a plethora of supplies. Aspirin should be saved, but it should not be administered to persons of 16 years.

This is not a closed list, but you want to add your favorite quotes of non-perishable food, so we sit flu contagious.

WHO declares a pandemic flu contagious

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