Friday, January 21, 2011

How to cook fish without problems

Fishing is a sport by many people, especially men exercised. Our country offers a variety of places where you can fish in fresh or salt water catch. Preparation of fish can often be very complicated. We offer some tips on how to prepare fish.

It can be prepared if you have a grill or a dish, they are packed in your luggage.

Milk Powder

Milk Powder

Milk Powder

The fish should be cleaned of scales, from tail to head. also be cut in the same direction on the stomach, intestines and bones areaway from the bitter end (for goldfish and carp).

Fish can be cooked with vegetables and some spices to preserve their special flavor.

To keep the meat, fish should not be cooked too difficult. To say that it is ready, it must derive at least in leaf (easily broken) or fork (if not easy to cook).

If you like to cook, before you in boiling oil, it must be completely dry on a towel and are drained, sprinkled with thatSale.
Larger fish should be cut in half along the backbone.

fishy smell from the hands when washing in cold water, mixed with raw onion, vinegar and lemon peel.

To be more fresh, the fish can be found in bread crumbs before frying. You can also grated cheese or bread crumbs and cheese for your fish will definitely be something special.

You can check if the fish is as fresh as follows: in a bowl of water so that it sinks to the ground means that fresh.Tomore fragrant after washing the fish with lemon juice or vinegar is sprayed.

When you add the onions, they can change their color and taste of the preparation.

If you want to keep the taste, sprinkle the fish with salt about 30 minutes before ready.If thaw, you can hold the fish until the next day if stored in brine and prepared before being washed with vinegar and water.

Food used for fish dishes: lemon, bay leaf, salt, pepper, flour, bread crumbs, chillVinegar, garlic, white wine, vegetables, oil, horn, powdered milk and eggs.

How to cook fish without problems

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